Flurry fury

A quick rant with facts.

I know Flurry for a while now. We’ve met during my first real coding gig at a Tel-Aviv big shot startup. It’s my goto analytics SDK, which is plain to use both on iOS and Android (yay).

I was trying to measure some feature_shape clicks, which had 3 different shapes; square, circle, triangle. Pretty simple. Flurry allows it using their logEvent method and passing a map with parameters to that method. That’s the easy part.

public void baseShapeEvent(String baseShape) {
    baseShapeParams.put(BASE_SHAPE_EVENT, baseShape);
    FlurryAgent.logEvent(BASE_SHAPE_EVENT, baseShape);

Update rates:

You can notice the new event, or another aggregate of the same, pretty fast. Couple of minutes or so. But the event parameters are updated only after some 12 hours (boo), which is frustrating when you want to juggle some experiments and log different things using different methods, not wanting to wonder whether the map might be empty. Even more, the exact time is vague and varies. SO sources: 1, 2, 3.

Happy Passover ( in english it sounds like some hangover euphemism) !

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